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Foundation Cloud Grants



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  1. It would be very helpful to see at the Online Request level, which requests are not linked to a constituent record AND which are linked but require due diligence. This was available in GE Classic with specific columns, but FCG doesn't offer all those same column selections.

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  2. The Fund Admin Role interacts with any other web user permissions. We have staff members who have personal Donor Advised Funds with us or other fund relationships as a result of their job. We have to create separate constituent accounts to ensure their other web user permissions do not interact with the Fund Admin role and create risk for elevated access to all fund relationships.

    I understand that some organizations may want staff to be able to take action of behalf of their fundholders using the Fund Admin role, but this is a risk for us. It would be great…

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  3. We would like to be able to report out on portal registrations and usage. For example: of our #X of clients, X% have logged in, X% have made a grant through the portal, X% have used it in the last month. As a new client, it's very frustrating to not have a sense of client adoption of our new portal. There is no way to pull this information through the system.

    It would also be helpful to be able to do an audit of web user roles. For example: staff who use the "Fund Admins" web user role - we…

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  4. Our RE NXT is set up to use the following name format "John D. Doe" which means all of our constituent records imported in with that format. The inclusion of the middle initial throws off the FCG search and it doesn't find the record if you search "John Doe" and not "John D. Doe" - is it possible to adjust the search functionality to ignore the middle initial? This also throws off the duplicate search in the web processing queue, and when adding constituents.

    This should be noted during implementation so other clients don't make the same mistake.

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  5. We often have to follow up with folks who have registered for the portal if there isn't a clear connection to a fund relationship. It would be great if there was a space in the web processing queue to make a comments so staff could document their outreach, and other staff could see pending response.

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  6. In general, FCG seems to have a lot of white space (wasted). The tiles are good sizes but the text within is so tiny, even increasing my screen resolution doesn't help because I run into the problem where fields run off the box. Options could include either enlarging the text within the same size box or condense the wasted white space.

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  7. The font is very small across both FCG and FCCP. Also with the white background, the color should be darker (kind of like it is here on the User Voice).

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  8. GE Classic had capability to filter the grant history by any of the column titles and further filter [starts with, contains, etc.] - this functionality is completely missing in FCG and as a user, would be very beneficial. Only option is to export, download and manipulate as Excel spreadsheet. At minimum, some criteria before exporting ALL grant history for a long time fund with high volume granting. Also, does not allow option to select columns, and is missing grant type (DA vs. Transfer, etc.)

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  9. It would be great if you could filter the web processing queue by profile updates vs. pending registrations. This would help us prioritize processing.

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  10. Why does the "Attachments" box have to take up so much space when previewing a correspondence email? Spend a lot of wasted time scrolling down to preview the entire email where we have mail merge fields. Would enhance the user experience if there was far less scrolling up and down all over every function.

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  11. Not sure why this is not part of FCG, when we processed online requests in GE Classic, the grant automatically opened after 'create grant' step. This was a huge time saver, not having to click it and wait 'again' for the population of all the pieces before you can edit areas. We do not edit the 'request' because that holds the integrity of the donor's request. Any change of address, correction in the designation, etc. is done in the grant itself.

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  12. We would like it if Correspondence had a default/configured (internal) bcc for grant/check run emails sent. This would allow us to have access to the emails in Outlook (for team members who do not have FCG permission or use FCG regularly but need to confirm payment details sent to a payee). In addition, we get asked to re-send an email and view in Documents does not have ability to forward; and copy and pasting loses the integrity of the time sent. Outlook has the ability to search/filter quicker than an FCG search by fund, by org by grant.

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  13. When direct entering a new grant and entering the amount, this previously typed drop-down is a huge risk if the user hovers over and mistakenly click - it will complete the amount as any of those show instead of forcing the user to type it the exact amount. When I noticed and went back to wipe the field clean and started typing, it actually kept the first digit and thereby increasing the amount by $10k. This might just be me, but I don't feel a memory for the amount field is helpful or safe and would like to see the…

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  14. All areas where there are page forwards, >, next page need improvement to display more than 8-10 results, so the user doesn't have to click next page a ton of times. Either a drop down that allows the user to display (example, 25, 50 or 100 results), or instead of next page, have end page. This would be helpful for those tiles that do not have the ability to sort by most current first, and finding the newest grants require to page to end.

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  15. Inside a designated grant with multiple 'recipients', need ability to re-sort alpha order by recipient or payee name instead of the order they were entered. Not user friendly when designated grant record has more than 8, worse when it has 80+ recipients

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  16. Currently, correspondence can only be generated at a grant level. During check run processing, we may want to generate correspondence for a specific payment, but the template only pulls information for the first payment on a grant. Therefore, the correspondence will show the incorrect payment information.

    Example - My Grant has two payments. The second payment is put onto a check run and paid, and then we want to send an email to the recipient with the payment information. The first payment information would be sent in the email instead of the second payment information.

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  17. Sent email does not produce the same line spacing as set in the HTML template. I double checked the spacing was 1.0 but it still spaces the address 1.5 which looks goofy. Needs functionality to force it to remain single space.

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  18. After the 2.9.3 release, Word documents are available for generation in batch. However, clicking 'Download' or 'Preview' still results in a PDF file. You can download each generated letter one-by-one which will result in a Word version of the letter but that defeats the purpose of Batch. We'd like to request the ability to download/Preview all batch generated correspondence in Word instead of PDF.

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  19. Seems like a miss when the popups come up for everything else, but it would be useful for a toast notification to let user know that a record (grant, check run, etc.) is open by another user. The only way I figured this out was because all the actions were grayed out in the check run finance tab step.

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  20. It would be great if correspondence templates could have if/then logic related to fields. For example, if a certain field (e.g. anonymous) has data (a checkmark), then another field does not appear (e.g. a fund name). Similarly, if Acknowledgement Address fields have data, then they are what populate the letter, but if blank, then the data from another field, such a Requestor Address, could be used.

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