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Foundation Cloud Grants



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31 results found

  1. Allow the option for grants to flow from FCG to FE in Pending status instead of approved status so that finance can make the last approval before payment is sent.

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  2. We would like the ability to move created queries to different subfolders within FCG so that we can manage them more effectively. Currently, this functionality is only available in GE Classic as a drag and drop but cannot be done similarly in FCG.

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  3. Add new query export options such as Excel, XML, JSON, PDF etc.

    Limiting the only export file option to CSV has created issues relating to the automatic CSV formatting that occurs upon export. Providing alternative options (i.e. XLSX) will provide users with workarounds to potential issues involving data deformation.

    Example: Essay questions in applications become broken apart into sections when exported as a query. This is an automatic occurrence that is caused by the formatting of a CSV file. This issue cannot be circumvented, as the only option to export is CSV.

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  4. When viewing Grant History for a grantee or fund, when there is a transfer the Payee/Recipient fields are blank. This is correct, since there are no payee or recipients for transfers, only a Target Fund. When a Transfer shows in the Grant History list, insert Target Fund into the Payee/Recipient Fields. You could also accomplish this by adding Payee and Recipient fields, hidden, to all Transfers, that mirror the Target Fund field.

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  5. When utilizing the “Copy To” feature on Grant Batches, the 1st payment on the grant is always being used. In some use cases, we may want to use other payments on the grant outside of the 1st.

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  6. Currently, whichever fund requestor was added to the fund FIRST (chronologically) defaults into the grant. This is not acceptable because fund requestors change, and there can be multiple. We need a way to control which fund requestor is going to default into a grant.

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  7. Recurring grants to automatically pull into the Grant Batch each month when they are scheduled to be paid. This would still allow the user to vet the organization before it is set to invoicing.

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  8. When reviewing a check batch for processing, it's important to verify that the account codes are correct. It would be very helpful and save so much time if the SourceCRAccountCode and SourceDRAccountCode would populate in the dashboard columns for check runs for standard grants. This way the codes could be checked without having to open each individual grant.

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  9. It would be ideal to be able to customize what data shows in the pie chart maybe by fund, or at least by active funds.

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  10. We'd like the option to add specific application fields to the Submitted Proposal Apps grid. We currently have "Category" as a field in our application and we'd like to be able to view this information in the grid and be able to filter all the applications by it.

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  11. Allow users to create designated grants from the grant step on a proposal workflow.

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  12. We would like the ability to change the status of an online application. When technical issues arise it would be a big time saver to be able to control the status of an application.

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  13. To be able to filter by "Type" on Check Run batches (a function we can do on GE Classic) when using FC.

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  14. In the top, right-hand corner of FCG, there is a bell-shaped notifications icon that lists a count of items needing attention. These notifications are currently static and only refresh when a user logs completely out of FCG and back in. For example, if the notifications list that there is a new Online Grant Request to process and you process that request, the notification still remains. If you continue on working in the system and later look at the notifications, it appears as if there is another new Online Grant Request waiting to be processed. However, when you visit the Online…

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  15. In Classic GE the proposal number has a link to the proposal. In GE/NXT Cloud, the link is in the proposal title which is an optional text field that has not been used consistently. Please link the proposal number instead of the proposal title.

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  16. We would like the option to either 1) be able to edit the EIN of past grants or 2) have the system pull EIN based on up to date data (not hardcoded/static data).

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  17. In a DES Grant record, the Recipient Tile rounds the values to whole numbers, thereby masking the actual percentage by recipient value when the % has decimal places.

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  18. We want the option when creating the workflow to set the actual dates rather than counting the days or at least add the option to add a date.

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  19. Ease of use: allow a user to refresh their screen without being kicked off/having to immediately log back in. Allow multiple tabs of FC to be open simultaneously on a browser.

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  20. To be able to filter by roles (review, relief applicant, scholarship applicant) on the Web Portal Processing Queue without having to open each individual record.

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