Add ability to download multiple fund statements at once into a single PDF
Staff is asking to have the ability to pull multiple fund statements at a time. Users would be able to select statements from any of the funds they have access to to create a single PDF file of all the statements. The statements may or may not be consecutive dates.
Example 1
Fundholder has 34 funds. They want the most current fund statements of all the scholarship funds. There are 12 scholarship funds. They select these 12 funds, select 'most recent' fund statements and a single PDF is created which contains all 12 statements.
Example 2
Fundholder has 34 funds. They want the fund statements from the last quarter of the previous 2 years of all the scholarship funds. There are 12 scholarship funds. They select these 12 funds, select 'x periods or date ranges' and a single PDF is created which contains all the statements.
It is not possible to combine multiple fund statements into one PDF due to how statements are uploaded to DonorCentral. Statements are uploaded as one PDF per fund.