3 results found
Add Pledge and Scholarship Pages to DonorCentral
Currently there are Grants and Gifts pages in DonorCentral but no pages for Pledges or Scholarships. Would be nice to have separate pages for those.
1 vote -
Add Obvious sort function in DonorCentral
It would be massively beneficial for my fundholders to obviously know there is a sort option on columns in DonorCentral. At present, it isn't clear/visually delineated/intuitive. The result is that fundholders call and complain about data being presented in a jumbled manner.
2 votes -
Add DonorCentral demo site or walk-through video for prospective fundholders
Prospective fundholders may wish to see the platform they'd be using to recommend grants and evaluate that tool against competitors. Short of setting up a dummy account (a heavy lift for staff and not ideal to maintain clean data) for them to use or providing an in-person demo (thereby releasing financial information to unrelated parties), there is no way to give them a glimpse of DonorCentral. A walkthrough video would be most practical and safe time for foundation staff.
8 votes
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