Characteristics - configure each characteristic to allow one/multiple values per record
Currently GE NXT allows multiple characteristic values on the same record, and this is not configurable. (For example, a grant could have three separate “Population Impacted” characteristic values for Youth, Elderly, and Low Income populations). There are times when a foundation wants a characteristic to only be set once per record. (For example, a foundation may want only allow a Grant to get a single “NTEE Code” characteristic value for reporting purposes).
This change would involve:
A configuration change, allowing each characteristic to “Allow Multiple Values” (default to True for backward compatibility)
Changes to record screens, where before saving a new characteristic we check to see if it’s already in use.
Changes to batch screens (same as #2 above)
Changes to automatic processes which create grants (same as #2 above). These include Grant Grant workflow steps, processing Online Payment Requests and Online Grant Requests, the Import utility, Designated Grant processing, etc.