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Foundation Cloud Community Portal



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  1. If the system is down for some reason, it would be helpful for a pop-up to appear stating the system is down. If this is not possible based on the system issue, an email to the main contacts at the organization would be appreciated so we manage calls, etc.

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  2. • In the portal:
    o Allow donors to see each date paid of their recurring grant
    o Allow donors to extend or cancel their recurring grant

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  3. Bring back the ability to add instructions on the Grant Recipient Search screen. This page customization was made obsolete with Version (Released: 3/24/2024). We used this content to remind donors grants can only be made to qualified donees and to refer to our Grants Policy.

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  4. For donor-advised fund sponsors, it is very important to track grant recommendations that will be processed only in the event of the fund requestor's death. We refer to these as surviving grant recommendations. Please consider adding a module, very similar to the designated module, that would allow a donor to see current, enter new, and/or edit/modify existing, surviving grant recommendations. It would be necessary for the module to allow the entry of percentages and/or amounts for each surviving recommendation. It would also be helpful if the module allowed for surviving recommendations to be converted into active grants.

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  5. I would love to see functionality in the portal so that we as site admins are able to proxy in as a specific user (whether it be a grantee/donor/fund advisor) to see what they see or are experiencing. Or to be able to function as that user to do a specific task within the portal.

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  6. We'd like an additional option to filter by date under the My Saved Applications page. Internally we use a profile that is linked to all the organization applicants so that we can go into FCCP and make edits to their applications or submit on their behalf when they are having issues doing this on their own. When they have too many historical applications, this page has a hard time loading (using Show All), is really slow, and sometimes times out and cancels the load altogether. This functionality gets a lot of use the day of our application deadline, but when…

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  7. Please allow us to opt a single user out of MFA. We have some older fund holders who do not understand MFA and it greatly frustrates them. Their frustration impacts their desire to do business with us.

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  8. Please create a log to view sent emails with outcome information (success or bounce-back, etc.) for ANY emails sent from Spectrum. Specifically, in the Application Admin area, there is no way to see email log for emails sent in the Manage Supplemental area. See case number Case #00017942.

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  9. We are thrilled to have the new regrant feature!

    Please update the term to something like "Repeat Past Grant(s)." In the nonprofit world, regrant has a specific meaning - it means when an organization receives money and then grants it back out (like flow-through dollars one org might receive from another).

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  10. Please identify the MFA text option as "text" in the "My account" area of the portal. Currently it appears as "SMS," if it is the option the user selected, and many people do not know what SMS means. It would also be helpful if you would spell out "Multi-factor authentication," since many people do not recognize the acronym MFA.

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  11. Our clients can currently establish a recurring gift into their Donor-Advised Fund. However, they have no access to manage that gift themselves. They must contact our organization to make any changes. Users are accustomed to things like online bills where they can manage their transactions and payment methods themselves. Please add a way for the donors to manage their own recurring gifts. This should include being able to change the amount, the frequency, and the payment method (such as updating to a new payment method if their credit card was lost/stolen & cancelled). This should also include the ability to…

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  12. The recipient search dialog box contains, in this order:
    1) instructions to enter search term
    2) link to click if one cannot find the desired search term
    3) the search field.
    Item #2 logically should come after #3.

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  13. We would like the option to disable or hide the item ellipsis on the Submitted Recommendations grid.

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  14. When we are setting up grant opportunities, it seems like we can only list an existing fund as the recipient. We would like to be able to set the recipient up as a grantee as well so that online grants come through as grant requests and not interfund transfers.

    Feature Request: Would like the option to set up grant opportunities to be grant requests to a recipient instead of interfund transfers as it is now.

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  15. I offer the following suggestion as a new feature for Spectrum NXT; it would be extremely helpful if the regrant process routine added the requestor's Default Acknowledgement Letter Addressee information to the grant request.

    As of today, it is my understanding the batch submission of grant requests will not work unless the required fields of each grant request are present. The current regrant process does not add the default acknowledgement data to the newly created grant. Therefore, in order to submit multiple grant requests in a batch, a donor has to open each grant and add the required acknowledgement field(s).

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  16. We are launching an annual campaign fund for community impact and wondered if SWP has the capability to do the following:
    -Similar to the Grant request/recommendation feature where you could submit a recurring grant to an outside agency, is there a way for us to include a recurring option for interfund transfers to another charitable fund housed at our Foundation?
    -Is there a way for DAF advisors to indicate that they'd like X% of their spendable balance/fund balance to be transfered to an internal fund as described above?

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