103 results found
Functionality that will allow FCCP credit card donations to automatically create an RE NXT batch when submitted.
It would be great if Npact & BB could work on functionality where FCCP credit card contributions automatically create an RE NXT Batch (much like RE NXT online donations do). Right now we have to have a manual process to make sure we don't miss these.
2 votes -
Disable registration page when not active
When we have the link to register inactive, the registration page can still be accessed via direct web address or old link. We would like see this disabled if not active. We have had a few folks attempt to register with links that are far outdated.
thank you
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Can Appeals be shown in the Gift History Tab?
Can a column be added to show appeals in the gift history? We track through appeals and so do our clients.
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Grant Recipient Search
The Recipient search "Past Grants" wording is way too small and too light for our elderly donors to see. It should be highlighted in Blue like the other hyperlinks. And move "Cannot Find a recipient? Add a new one" hyperlink option directly beneath "Past Grants". It doesn't make sense a Donor must scroll all the way down past grants to click "Cannot Find a recipient? Add a new one". It is very frustrating for our Donors making grant requests.
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Please have a way for grant applicants to register as their own organization and not their fiscal sponsor (if they have a fiscal sponser).
Please have a way for fiscally sponsored grant applicants to register for an account under their own organization and not their fiscal sponsor.
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Master / Sub-Fund
Setup an option to allow for funds to be consolidated when reported to fundholders online. This feature existed in FIMS/DonorCentral: https://npact.document360.io/fims-and-donorcentral/docs/how-do-i-use-the-mastersub-fund-feature
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Link Acknowledgement Name and Address Default to Source Fund Selected from Grant Recommendation Page
Currently, the acknowledgement name and address for the default fund that appears on the Fund Summary page is the one that shows up when a donor makes a Grant Recommendation. We have donors that have multiple funds with us. We would like the acknowledgment name and address that defaults when a donor makes a Grant Recommendation to be the one linked to the Source Fund that is selected on the first page of the Grant Recommendation and not necessarily the one that is selected from the Fund Summary page.
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Can we use CCF favicon in the browser tab?
Can we use CCF favicon in the browser tab? I believe the old version allowed us to have ours instead of the NPact one.
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Behavior change to SWP login - SWP refresh causes logout
Currently if a user is logged in to SWP and clicks refresh on the browser or F5 they are redirected to the login page. The user has to check the box “keep me signed in” at login when they login and if they do that then upon clicking refresh on any screen the user stays on that screen. Also, if they check that box and close the browser and reopen to SWP they stay signed in.
Requested Behavior:
The user should be able to refresh the page or click F5 without having the need to check the box “keep me…
2 votes -
Add feature to allow multiple grant ["History"] charts in Spectrum Portal
Currently in the Spectrum Portal, the grant ["History"] chart is only able to be filtered by one characteristic. It would be nice to have multiple grant ["History"] charts for each characteristic that can be clicked through like a carousel.
Steps to dup:
1. Log into Spectrum as CFNC Spectrum Admin
2. Fundholder > Grant ["History"]
3. Chart is only able to be filtered on one characteristic2 votes -
SWP Contribution ["History"] page extremely slow to load
When reviewing the Contribution ["History"] page in the Spectrum Web Portal, that page is loading incredibly slowly (takes multiple minutes to populate). I'm just getting the spinning "loading" icon in the meantime. It's making it difficult to perform my review of these accounts. Is there any way to get this page to respond faster?
**Known issue for Funds Admin role. The problem is generating the fund list - not necessarily the grid data for a particular fund.
User is requesting better handling of the gift ["History"] page for Fund Admin role.
2 votes -
Allow to hide other instructions and show only instructions for committee which review is assigned
When a reviewer logs in to score scholarship applicants, on the Review tab, the scorer sees the instructions for all the scholarship committees and not just the scholarship committee they are assigned. Is there a way/setting that will allow me to hide the other instructions and only show the instructions for the committee which the reviewer has been assigned?
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When an address is Required for SWP registration the Zip field in not required as it should be.
When we set the address for a new registrant in SWP to be Required - we want all address fields to be required. Currently the zip is not marked as required, and can be skipped. This field need to be marked required when the the address is is configured to be required.
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Click 'enter' on keyboard to execute recipient search during grant recommendation process
When searching for recipients during the grant recommendation process, users must click the ‘Search’ button for the system to complete a search. In the past, users could click the ‘Enter’ button on a keyboard to complete a search rather than clicking the ‘Search’ button on the page. Many users are accustomed to being able to click ‘Enter’ to complete the search and when they do so, no search results will appear. At this point, users think they need to add a new recipient and become frustrated because they know they have granted to the same organization in the past. They…
1 vote -
Prompt to immediately update temporary password
we would love to see a prompt to immediately change a temporary password to a permanent one. It doesnt appear to have an expiration date for the randomly generated passwords.
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Show application when supplemental opens
Currently, when a supplemental page becomes available on the portal, an applicant can open the page to fill it out and submit. However, if they wish to see the main application they already submitted (to reference submitted answers) they must click “Open” instead of clicking on the supplemental link from My Saved Applications. Since the supplemental and the main application are in separate places it makes it hard to switch back and forth. It would be great if when clicking into the supplemental page, the applicant is able to see the previously submitted application tabs that are “READ ONLY” so…
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Add preferred email filter to FCCP Contact Us Tile configuration options
Add preferred email filter to FCCP Contact Us Tile configuration options. We had our CEO's personal email appearing on the portal because this tile cannot filter to preferred and had to remove that email from our CRM so that it did not appear online.
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Allow for clients to configure Grant Recommendations grid to include non-FCCP submitted grants as well.
We highly recommend the ability for a client to enable the FCCP Grant Recommendations grid to include grants submitted outside of FCCP as well. We already have users that are looking here for grants that may have been submitted by fax or email and input into FCG, or historical grants, and are very confused. We are trying to redirect them to Grant History, but those layers are confusing for many fundholders. A more comprehensive grant status tracking tool with configuration options to allow for non-FCCP requests as well would be ideal.
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Gift History number of gifts per page
On the gift history page, remove the availability to edit the number of gifts per page. Or have system admins be able to toggle that off.
We want this page so fund holders can see the name and date of gift, but by allowing fund holders to change to 1 gift per page, they can see the page total on the gift history and know the gift amount.1 vote -
Test Web Apps Where Submission has a Status of Committed
Currently, we are unable to test a web app in FCCP that has been configured with a submit status of Committed. When an applicant submits an application that has a submit status of Committed rather than Submitted, the applicant can continue to make changes to their application up until the end date of a cyclical application. Once the cycle has closed, their application is no longer editable, but is still considered submitted. Using this option removes any extra work on the backend from the admin who would normally have to reopen the application for it to be editable by the…
1 vote
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