233 results found
Please add a Justify formatting feature in the HTML Editor
While creating and formatting web applications, there is no option to Justify a line of text or field.
3 votes -
Ability to search by ID in Designated Grants area
I would like the designated grant ID to be a searchable field
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Add more available email contacts in correspondence
When sending individual correspondence on grant, fund advisor and recipient emails populate on the TO: screen. Our clients would like to be able to a send correspondence to the applicant who submitted the original proposal web application to provide them details of the grant. Please add the web user who submitted the original request or All web users from the recipient record (assuming the org has more than one person authorized to submit grant applications) to the To list on email correspondence.
(This means going from a GRGrants record to GRGrantParents where Parent Type is Proposal or Scholarship, and from…
3 votes -
Fund Requests - Fund ID validation
The fund IDs all need to be the same in RE/FE/GE.
3 votes -
Spectrum pulls end-dated grantees
Constituents who have an end date on the "grantee" constituency still appear in a Spectrum search for grantees.
Can we have this fixed please so end-dated grantees do not appear in a recipient search?
3 votes -
On the proposal history portion of the fund page, there are two fields entitled "Total Amount Requested" and "Total Amount Approved". We think it would be more beneficial if a field is either added or replaced by "Total Amount Awarded from the Fund".
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Annual summary
Add to the "All-In-One" section of a fund, a new tab showing annual summary of gifts and grants for a fund. For an example, see FIMS's Fund Summary tab. It is a chart, by year, showing the largest gift, total gifts, largest grant, total grants. It helps staff see in one place how a fund has grown and granted out year by year.
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Add Docket data points to query
Currently data points associated with a docket are not able to be queried on in GENXT, specifically data points related to the approval details and approval submission details
Approval Details:
-Docket requires Board Member Approval
-Date Sent for Approval
-Date Approved
-Board Member
-Quorum Required for ApprovalApproval Submission Details:
-Grant number
-Date Submitted2 votes -
Add the ability to search by GE Constituent ID when adding a recipient or payee to a grant record
We would like to be able to search by the GE Constituent ID when adding recipients and payees to a grant record
Steps to dup:
Grants > Grant > New Grant > Click Recipient or Payee > you can only search by name not constituent ID
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Add ability to email correspondence to Board Members in using Batch Correspondence in Dockets
Using batch correspondence in Docket, users are unable to email correspondence to Board Members included on the docket. The only groups that pull into batch correspondence in Dockets are fund advisor and recipients.
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Add Expense and Payable account number fields to the grant import template
Add Expense and Payable account number fields to the grant import template. We use this weekly to pay grants and the way our Funds are set up, the Expense and Payables change, so we do not use the default account number.
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Possible to have one comment box for reviews?
Hi there!
This is just a request because I know it would require development adjustments, but we were wondering if it's possible to have only one comment box on the review side of the portal.Right now, there's the main comment box which is great! There's also the comment box that shows up when you score a question - if that one could go away/be hidden, that would be cool. It's not a big deal for me, but might be nice for some of my coworkers.
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Internal application comments made public for panelists to see during review
We do a preliminary round of internal screening on all applications before sending them to be reviewed by panelists. We would love if there is a way to create a page on the application or simple comment boxes to be used during the internal review to be seen by panelists, but not by the applicant. As it is now, comments flow from SWP panelist into GE but not the other way.
Side note: simply changing the reviewers Committee permissions to "Admin" wont accomplish this as we don't want scorers to other scores -which is what will happen if they are…
2 votes -
Change when Workflow Tasks appear in the to-do list
Our grantees have to submit final reports when their grant is completed. Our program managers need to read the reports and approve them. I want to add the workflow task of "Program Manager Approval" to the respective proposals and assign it to that program manager.
However, when I was testing it on my programs, I immediately get the Workflow Task(s) Assigned notification in my to-do list (GE Classic)/bell icon (GE NXT).
Is there a way to change when that notification appears? With this example, could I have that notification appear closer to the due date rather than now? I only…
1 vote -
Automatically CC the email of the requestor of the grant
When sending a grant award via email, is there a way to automatically CC the email of the Requestor of the grant?
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New Power BI Visualization for Program Areas
Program Areas and Portfolios are proposal budgeting mechanisms for which we could use an interactive Power BI visualization.
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Ability to customize Fund Config tile
Add the ability to customize the Fund Config tile on a Fund. Allow admin to turn off unused balances, rename balances, and hiding default finance accounts (since users don't need to see these on a daily basis).
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Work with Blackbaud to permit FENXT vendor address updates from RENXT and Foundation Cloud.
When a customer has both RENXT, FENXT, and NPact products, we need the ability for vendor/grantee address updates that flow from either RENXT or Foundation Cloud to update in FENXT. We believed and were told by NPact this was a feature of Sync Harmony, but just found out it actually isn't.
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Scholarship Batch - Add CRM lookup and create constituent function
When processing scholarships, most of the time the students don’t have a constituent record in the CRM. However, if the foundation is awarding the student a grant, then they want the student in the CRM. On the scholarship batch, we need the ability to do a CRM lookup (to avoid potential duplicates). If not found, then create a constituent record for the student in CRM.
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Make Step Amount and Outcome required fields on workflow steps
If these fields aren’t filled in on a prerequisite step, then you can’t create the grant.
1 vote
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