233 results found
Provide the ability to add fonts for Correspondence Templates
In the correspondence support documentation there is an "add new" button under My Fonts in the Correspondence Templates. This button does not appear in production. Please add the ability to add additional fonts in the Correspondence templates. Thanks!
2 votes -
FCG User Experience
In general, FCG seems to have a lot of white space (wasted). The tiles are good sizes but the text within is so tiny, even increasing my screen resolution doesn't help because I run into the problem where fields run off the box. Options could include either enlarging the text within the same size box or condense the wasted white space.
10 votes -
Grant History Filters needed
GE Classic had capability to filter the grant history by any of the column titles and further filter [starts with, contains, etc.] - this functionality is completely missing in FCG and as a user, would be very beneficial. Only option is to export, download and manipulate as Excel spreadsheet. At minimum, some criteria before exporting ALL grant history for a long time fund with high volume granting. Also, does not allow option to select columns, and is missing grant type (DA vs. Transfer, etc.)
11 votes -
Filter Designated Grant Recipients
Inside a designated grant with multiple 'recipients', need ability to re-sort alpha order by recipient or payee name instead of the order they were entered. Not user friendly when designated grant record has more than 8, worse when it has 80+ recipients
7 votes -
search on proposal ID in proposal batch
In the Proposal batch "Available Proposals" section the search bar does not accept Proposal IDs. Instead we search on names to find proposals. Please add the ability to use the grid search box in a proposal batch to search on proposal IDs.
2 votes -
Correspondence Templates (editing)
Sent email does not produce the same line spacing as set in the HTML template. I double checked the spacing was 1.0 but it still spaces the address 1.5 which looks goofy. Needs functionality to force it to remain single space.
5 votes -
Toast Notification missing for record open by another user or locked
Seems like a miss when the popups come up for everything else, but it would be useful for a toast notification to let user know that a record (grant, check run, etc.) is open by another user. The only way I figured this out was because all the actions were grayed out in the check run finance tab step.
4 votes -
Add grant characteristics within a batch; multiple characteristics
We'd like to be able to add characteristics (within a grant batch), much like you add workflow steps. Often the same characteristics apply to all but are not reflected on the original proposal record. Efficiency would also be gained if we were allowed to enter multiple characteristics on a grant without having to "save", then "add" and "save" again.
2 votes -
Edit (pencil icon) displays over address - makes it un-usable
In a grant record (EDIT), there is a pencil to select a specific recipient/payee address, however when the address line 1 is really long and goes over the blue pencil, you can't click the pencil. Short term work around is to go into constituent record and change the address but if the USPS verified address suggests to leave it, we are not working with our process (we're manipulating). Need QA ticket filed for engineering to fix.
3 votes -
Create Constituent Button
When an Online Grant Request is entered for a constituent that doesn't exist we must add the constituent. When we open the Grant Request Details there is a button "Create Constituent." If that button is clicked it creates the RE constituent record but SyncHarmony won't add a new FE Vendor record. Support, via SUPP-9839, said we need to click into the recipient field and click the "Create new RENXT Constituent" button. Why have two different buttons that both create the constituent? Both buttons should do the same thing.
2 votes -
Restore Grant History Unlimited Years
A recent update limited the Grant History to a limit of 25 years in Business Rules. Remove this limit. Why not treat it like other parts of FC, where only the first X years are displayed, and the user has to press a button to view all. We shouldn't have to create a query to export to Excel to view the data. We paid for a system that displayed all Grant History, not just the most recent 25 years.
4 votes -
Add Manager or Owner name to the Grants grid in FCG
Please add Manager or Owner name to the Grants Grid, there is only Manager ID so we have to do an external VLOOKUP with an export from All Users to get a manager/owner name.
1 vote -
More than 1 address line needed
Currently the Recipient address field only supports one address line. If you have a recipient that requires two address lines, these lines run together as one. This makes the address look off when letters are generated.
RE, while it only has 1 address box, that box is large enough and editable, so you can format the address to have 2 lines and to display correctly. We request that NPact add a 2nd address line or format it address field to behave similarly to RE.
4 votes -
Ability to see Grant approval status within the Check Run
Currently, in order to see if a grant has been voted on and approved (by committee or individuals depending on ORG requirements), you have to complete the following steps:
- go back into the docket
- navigate to the approval tab
- go to the approval submissions tile
- click on the 3 dots next to the approvers name and select "approval submission details" in order to see which grants have been voted on and approved.
This has to be done for each docket that is added to a check run before proceeding with processing. In my specific ORG we could have 5 or…
4 votes - go back into the docket
Please add another choice to the online grant request screen filter to be able to look at created and submitted grants at the same t time
can you please add another filter to the online grant request screen to be able to view the status of more that one at the same time. Need created and submitted grants to both pull up together. Thanks
4 votes -
Missing Check Run Link - enhancement
Once payment added to a check run, looking at the grant, the summary only shows STATUS: Check Run Batched. Would be beneficial to have 'link' to the batch in this summary section. Otherwise, the user has to go to Batch>CheckRuns>open batch which is a slow performer and takes 1-2 minutes each time. Time gobbler if the user wants to review several/all grants in a check run for whatever reason.
3 votes -
To extend the query results screen for more than 1 minute
Request to extend the query results screen timeout to more than 1 minute in order to retrieve more than 100 records of data. Currently, the timeout on the query results screen is set to 1 minute. If your data does not finish loading within that time, the "Load All" records button does not appear and you are not able to pull more than 100 records.
1 vote -
Toast notification enhancement
- Would be great if toast notifications recognized the space bar or enter on the keyboard and not just the mouse click to clear.
- Toasts not cleared by user, continue to stack up, even after you leave that record which can be confusing when it doesn't relate to the current record open.
3 votes - Would be great if toast notifications recognized the space bar or enter on the keyboard and not just the mouse click to clear.
Constituent name in Orange (existing but approval expired)
Would be very helpful when a constituent has an existing RE record but is currently not approved, that the name is displayed in Orange (as it was in GE Classic). Functionality lost in FCG.
2 votes -
FCG to FE-Allow Grants to be marked as Pending instead of Approved for payment
Allow the option for grants to flow from FCG to FE in Pending status instead of approved status so that finance can make the last approval before payment is sent.
5 votes
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